Image: When I walk on sandstone country I feel at home. I love the wildflowers and wildlife that visit throughout the year. Echidnas are my absolute favourite native animal.
Image: I once met a powerful owl on a walk in the forest and she looked at me with her huge, piercing yellow eyes and now I think about her all the time.
Image: Powerful Owls and the White-bellied Sea-Eagles. Apex predators of power and strength yet terribly vulnerable. They’re my absolute favourite animals.
Image: My favourite animals are birds. I have a particular passion and love for black cockatoos. My favourite rock is definitely sandstone. It’s got so many layers (just like me!)
Image: My favourite Australian animal is an echidna because of their gentle yet self assured gait and joyful faces as they wander through nature.
Image: Love spotting all the native flowers and the abundant birdlife.
Image: I love the Lord Howe Island Woodhen as they have gone from being critically endangered and almost extinct to a now healthy and growing population - a great example of a successful threatened species recovery program.
Image: When I hear the call of black cockatoos I have to run out and look for them, they make me want to dance in the wind and rain.
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