Royal National Park Environmental Education Centre

Telephone02 9542 1951

Landscapes and landforms

Geography - Landscapes and Landforms

Program feedback

"Students were able to draw connections between what they have been learning in class and the natural environment. Students could respond to questions from the instructors with minimal prompting and were engaged in the discussions and immersive experience. Students now have memories and first hand experience to call upon and help generate classroom discussions and real life examples they can link to the landscapes and landforms unit in Geography Stage 4."

"All school staff praised the professionalism, care and flexibility of EEC teachers. Best organisation we have conducted fieldtrips through. EEC staff took the time to understand the needs to the students, making accommodations, being flexible and working with school staff effectively. Communication prior to the event was greatly valued. Will bring Yr 7 back next year and will look to do other field trips with RNPEEC again. Thank you."

Key syllabus outcomes:

A student:

  • locates and describes the diverse features and characteristics of a range of places and environments GE4-1
  • describes processes and influences that form and transform places and environments GE4-2
  • examines perspectives of people and organisations on a range of geographical issues GE4-4
  • discusses management of places and environments for their sustainability GE4-5
  • acquires and processes geographical information by selecting and using geographical tools for inquiry GE4-7
  • communicates geographical information using a variety of strategies GE4-8

Key inquiry questions:

  • What environmental and human processes form and transform landscapes and landforms?
  • To what extent are landscapes and landforms sustainably managed and protected?

Inquiry questions:

  • What landforms and landscapes are found at Wattamolla?
  • What environmental and human processes change landscapes and landforms along the coast track?

Learning activities may include:

  • Identify the landscapes and landforms at and around Wattamolla
  • Draw a field sketch
  • Observe and record evidence of geomorphic processes
  • Measure and record data on biophysical factors
  • Observe and record strategies used to manage erosion on the coast track and fire trail
  • Use GPS devices to record features

Excursion site: