Royal National Park Environmental Education Centre

Telephone02 9542 1951

Teddy bears picnic

Science and Technology – 2024 and 2017 Syllabuses

Available late Term 3 and early Term 4

Program overview

Students explore the magical world of the Royal National Park through the eyes of Edward, chief Teddy Bear. To start their adventure, students receive a letter from Edward inviting them to bring their teddies (or other soft toy) to a picnic in the Royal National Park. Through hands-on and sensory activities, they learn about the needs of living things and gain a respect for the natural world.

Program feedback

"The excursion enabled the students to put into practice, all that they had learned in the classroom regarding living things and their needs. Being able to play games and interact with nature in the fabulous way they can do at this excursion, meant they could consolidate their learning in a fun and valuable way. This truly is the best excursion for young students!!"

Learning experiences


  • read a big book about Edward, chief Teddy Bear. They learn the secret of PAWS (Plants Animals Water Shelter) and use the PAWS flip board to reinforce the concept.
  • play games to reinforce the concept of PAWS. Teddy Bear Tag reinforces the concept of PAWS as the needs of living things. Musical Trees focuses on the need for shelter and for protecting the natural environment.
  • go on a bushwalk along Bungoona Path. Along the walk students participate in a range of sensory awareness activities to engage with the place. Activities may include: mirror walks, invertebrate search, whiff cups, touchy feely bag, blindfold walks, matching colours.
  • discover that Edward is missing! They follow PAWS clues to find Edward and join him for a picnic lunch under the trees.


Royal National Park Environmental Education Centre, Bungoona Path and surrounds

Living world


  • Students explore the characteristics, needs and uses of living things STe-3LW-ST
  • Students observe, question and collect data to communicate ideas STe-1WS-S  


Living things change


  • explore how living things grow, change and have offspring similar to themselves (ACSSU030) SciT 
  • record the changes in growth of a common plant or animal, using uniform informal units and appropriate technologies ComT SysT

Observations and questions spark curiosity 


  • identifies and describes characteristics of living things, properties of materials, and movement STE-SCI-01
  • poses questions based on observations to collect data STE-PQU-01


Living things have characteristics that help them survive in their environment

  • Describe how living things get air, water and energy to survive in their environment 
  • Examine animal bodies, their body coverings, and how and what they eat 
  • Identify and use tools to aid and extend sensory observations
  • Pose questions to compare the characteristics of living things and non-living things