People are connected to places
- identifies ways that Aboriginal Peoples connect with Country, Culture and Community HSE-ACH-01
- identifies and locates places people connect with, using geographical information HSE-GEO-01
Aboriginal Peoples are the Traditional Custodians of Country
- Describe natural features of land, water and sky Country by engaging with Aboriginal Dreaming Stories and Languages
- Identify specific terms Aboriginal Peoples may use to refer to the Country they connect to
Places can be located and described using geographical information
- Locate land, water and Australia using world maps, globes and images
- Describe natural and human features of Australian coastal and inland places using Tier 2 and Tier 3 vocabulary
- Observe and record natural and human features of familiar places and present in data displays
- Recognise that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples connect to the features of Country or Place in a variety of ways
People are connected to places and each other
- Identify own connections to places and describe why some places are special
- Identify and describe how people care for places
Aboriginal Peoples are connected to Country
- Identify ways local Aboriginal Peoples connect to Country by engaging with Aboriginal Dreaming Stories, objects and Oral Histories