Sustainability teaching resources
- Learning across the curriculum - sustainability
- Kitchen gardening for sustainability and wellbeing K-6
- Sustainable schools NSW
- greenhub by Greening Australia
- Getting started with sustainability in schools
- Cool Australia - learn for life
- ABC splash
- NASA ClimateKids
- NSW Department of Education HSIE resources
- HSIE sustainability resource
- NSW Department of Education Geography programming resources K-6
- Geographical toolkit for schools
- Guide to using picture books in geography K-10
- GeogSpace
- Climate change: vital signs of the planet: images-of-change
- AdaptNSW
- CoastAdapt
- Bushrock protection
- NASA Global Climate Change
- Tutorial: Google my maps (PDF 1339KB)
- Coastal Risk Australia: Predicted Coastal Flooding Resulting from Climate Change
- Google Earth timelapse
- Google Mymaps
- SIX maps
- Scribble maps
- National Geographic mapmaker interactive
- Shire maps
- Adrift
- Landsat Explorer - ESRI
- Landsat App - ESRI
Aboriginal education
- Department of education: Aboriginal education and communities
- Department of education HSIE Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures resources
- Australian Curriculum: Science - Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
- NSW Office of Sport Indigenous Traditional Games
- Australian Museum: Aboriginal people of coastal Sydney
- Dharawal resources from Coomaditchie United Aboriginal Corporation
- D'harawal dreaming stories
- Illawarra Aboriginal history poster (includes Dharawal Dreamtime Story)
- Indigenous weather knowledge
- Gambay First Languages interactive map
- Youth Community Greening Suggested Plants used by Aboriginal People for use in a Bush Tucker Theme Garden (PDF 264 KB)
Visual Arts
- A guide to implementing waste as art and environmental art projects in schools
- Precious plants and animals
- Precious resources
- Precious water
Sustainability action
- TerraCycle
- Take 3
- Eco-schools Australia
- Earth hour Australia
- Nude food day (waste-free lunches)
- Australian Citizen Science Association » The Australian guide to running a BioBlitz
- Boomerang bags
Citizen science
- Australian Citizen science association
- AUSMAP - Australian microplastic assessment project
- Ant Picnic
- ClimateWatch
- Royal Botanic Garden - hollows as homes
- Streamwatch - Australian Museum
- Feather map of Australia project | ANSTO Feather map
- ANSTO plastics project
- Help us understand Sydney's Cockatoos - Australian Museum
- Education | project Noah
- Waterwatch
- Tangaroa Blue - Australian Marine Debris Initiative
- FrogID
- Echidna CSI
- Powerful Owl Project
- BushBlitz