Royal National Park Environmental Education Centre

Telephone02 9542 1951

Solar cars


Program overview

Students follow instructions to build a model solar car. They make improvements to their car and participate in a solar car race.

Session details

75 minutes. Up to 3 sessions (one class each) per day.

Key syllabus outcomes

Stage 4

  • Students describe the action of unbalanced forces in everyday situations (SC4-10PW)
  • Students discuss how scientific understanding and technological developments have contributed to finding solutions to problems involving energy transfers and transformations (SC4-11PW)

Stage 5

  • Students apply models, theories and laws to explain situations involving energy, force and motion (SC5-10PW)
  • Students explain how scientific understanding about energy conservation, transfers and transformations is applied in systems (SC5-11PW)

Learning experiences

Students learn how solar cells use energy from the sun to generate electricity. They learn how a simple generator and motor works.

They follow instructions to collect materials and build a solar car in groups of 2-3. They test and troubleshoot to get their car running. Once running, they experiment ways to increase the speed of their car, such as adjusting the panel, changing gear size or changing tire size. They participate in a solar car race.