Royal National Park Environmental Education Centre

Telephone02 9542 1951

Beneath our feet

Science and Technology – 2024 and 2017 Syllabuses

Students walk across an ancient landscape to observe evidence of weathering and erosion with a backdrop of stunning coastal views and cliffs. They participate in hands-on activities at Wattamolla and along a bushwalk on the loop track around Providential Headland and a walk to clifftops looking south over Curracurrang.

Program feedback

"The excursion was perfect for us. A great mix of written tasks, practical tasks, creative tasks and listening tasks. The level was perfect for Year 3. They thoroughly enjoyed being out in the open and observing real life environment. The coast is always such a spectacular spectacle!!!"

Learning Experiences


  • observe examples of erosion and weathering
  • walk on new raised boardwalks to investigate methods to minimise erosion and compare to old eroded track
  • model weathering of sandstone
  • consider Dharawal seasons and observe indicator plants on the bushwalk
  • use ochres to paint
  • listen to a Dreaming story about formation of landscape
  • use scientific equipment to measure and record conditions, such as temperature and wind speed
  • classify rocks and minerals

Recommended excursion site  

Wattamolla (loop track around Providential Headland and walk to clifftops looking south over Curracurrang)

Living world


A student:

  • questions, plans and conducts scientific investigations, collects and summarises data and communicates using scientific representations ST2-1WS-S
  • investigates regular changes caused by interactions between the Earth and the Sun, and changes to the Earth’s surface ST2-10ES-S


How the Earth’s surface changes over time


  • investigate why the Earth’s surface changes over time as a result of natural processes and human activity, for example: (ACSSU075) SciT
    • characteristics of soils
    • identify evidence of natural changes in landforms, rocks or fossils
  • identify that scientific knowledge helps people understand the effect of their actions, for example: (ACSHE051, ACSHE062) SciT
    • investigate how erosion is caused by human activity, eg walking on bush trails
    • investigate how erosion can be minimised, eg constructing boardwalks

Earth’s relationship with the Sun


  • investigate how changes in the environment are used by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples to develop seasonal calendars SciT SysT

Forces shape Earth’s surface 


  • Uses information to investigate the solar system and the effects of energy on living, physical and geological systems ST2-SCI-01  
  • poses questions to create fair tests that investigate the effects of energy on living things and physical systems ST2-PQU-01


Forces shape Earth’s surface

  • Explain how the forces produced by wind, water and living things weather rocks
  • Investigate Aboriginal Dreaming Stories and Torres Strait Islander Legends about the formation of landscapes and landforms