Maps and directions
Directions to Ironbark Flat:
- From Princes Highway turn into Farnell Avenue, Loftus
- Proceed past the toll booth *
- Continue down Farnell Avenue/Audley Road
- Drive across the Audley Weir
- Shortly after crossing the weir, turn right into the Ironbark Flat carpark (also known as triangle carpark)
- Park in designated bus parking and disembark students
- Meet your EEC teacher(s) at location listed on your Booking Confirmation.
* Buses for booked excursions do not pay an entry fee at the toll booth. Show your Booking Confirmation sheet; you will be invoiced park entry fee later.
Site details and facilities
Getting here
Audley is located approximately 3 km from the Farnell Avenue entry of the Royal National Park. There are numerous picnic areas around the Audley area. This information relates to Ironbark Flat and Currawong Flat, to the south of Audley Weir.
Road access is via Farnell Ave, Loftus. It takes approximately 10 minutes to drive to Audley from the Princes Highway turnoff. The road descends from Loftus to Audley and crosses Audley Weir at the lowest point. Once you drive across the weir, turn right into the second driveway to enter Ironbark Flat Carpark (also known as triangle carpark). This carpark is adjacent to the Visitor Centre and Weir Cafe. This is the safest drop off location.
On the day there may be room to park buses in the carpark or they may need to relocate to a different carpark until pick up time.
There is no need to pay at the toll booth. Show the Visitors Services Officer your Booking Confirmation; student park use fees will be charged by National Parks following the excursion.
Background information
Degree of difficulty
Easy to moderate
Contact system
- Mobile phone reception is patchy
- A landline phone is available at the Royal National Park Visitor Centre
Location details
Road access to Audley is via Farnell Ave from the Princes Highway. There is a Visitor Centre and café located in the main building. The Commemorative Pavilion provides a large sheltered area with tables. Grassy areas are located next to the Hacking River. Bushland borders the grassed clearings away from the river.
There are numerous picnic areas in the valley that students may access on their excursion. Most excursions are based at Currawong Flat, across Varney's Bridge (historic white arched bridge) from the Visitor Centre. Please check your booking confirmation for sites and tracks for your excursion.
Students are in close proximity to water throughout the day. As areas can be without shelter, it is recommended that sturdy footwear, wind/rain proof jackets be carried. Picnic shelters are available at Ironbark Flat, Wattle Forest and Willow Tree Flat.
The greatest risks to students are: tree fall, tripping, snake bite or falling into the river. If dipnetting it is advisable for students to buddy up and exercise caution along the riverbank. All teachers need to actively supervise students while dipnetting and adjacent to the river. Students should be discouraged from feeding wildlife. Goannas are common at the picnic areas; students should not approach a goanna or stand between a goanna and a tree.
The group is very likely to encounter members of the public. Vigilance is required from all participants and supervising teachers need to be aware of where students are at all times. Child protection measures and supervision will be required when students access public toilets.
Once your booking is confirmed, we will email you a draft risk assessment and management plan to use in the preparation of your own plan. This plan details risks on excursion and controls to minimise them on the day.
Bushwalk options
Depending on the program and stage, there are a few options for bushwalks from Currawong Flat, Audley. Your Booking Confirmation should provide details about the walk for your excursion. The site map details the different destinations and walks:
Robertson's Roundabout
For primary school excursions.
Your students may walk some or all of Robertson's Roundabout (refer to your Booking Confirmation). Early Stage 1 will usually walk only to the junction or just beyond the junction return (300-400m).
Robertson's Roundabout begins at Currawong Flat. It begins with a short (150m) steep ascent up steps on the Engadine Track to a junction, where the circuit begins. The circuit climbs to a ridge and then desends back down trhough woodland. There are beautiful views from the highest points. Some sections are steep, and some sections are slippery due to leaf litter. The surface is uneven. From Currawong Flat, the circuit is approximately 1.5km. Please advise your teacher if you have any safety concerns about this walk.
Kangaroo Creek
For some high school excursions.
The walk to Kangaroo Creek is 3km return along the Engadine Track. It is a moderate hike with some steep sections, including a metal staircase on descent to Kangaroo Creek. The surface is uneven and some sections are slippery due to leaf litter. Please contact us to discuss any concerns regarding accessibility for staff or students.
There are public toilets at Ironbark Flat, Currawong Flat, Wattle Forest and Willow Tree Flat. Students should not access public toilets alone. Younger students should be supervised by a teacher; older students should take a buddy with them.