Geography - The Earth's Environment
Supports the Geography teaching framework - natural environments
Students engage with the natural environment through sensory awareness activities. They observe and learn about the characteristics of the environment, habitats and native animals. They consider the significance of the site they visit.
Program feedback
"It was an excellent experience to be in nature and learn about habitats. It was also amazing to measure the temp, wind and lux whilst by the river and compare it when we were back at the top of the Honeymoon track."
"Exceptional teachers who all engaged with students and worked at appropriate stage levels."
Key syllabus outcomes
- Students examine features and characteristics of places and environments (GE2-1)
- Students describe the ways people, places and environments interact (GE2-2)
- Students acquire and communicate geographical information using geographical tools for inquiry (GE2-4)
Key inquiry question
- How does the environment support the lives of people and other living things?
Inquiry question
- How does the Royal National Park provide habitat for native animals?
Geography – The Earth’s Environment
- investigate the importance of natural vegetation and natural resources to the environment, animals and people, for example: (ACHGK021, ACHGK022, ACHGK024)
- identification of types of natural vegetation eg forests, grasslands, deserts
- explanation of the importance of natural vegetation to animals and the functioning of the environment eg provision of habitats, production of oxygen
- discussion of the importance of natural vegetation and natural resources to people eg provision of food, medicine, fuel, timbers, fibres, metals
- investigate sustainable practices that protect environments, including those of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples, for example: (ACHGK023, ACHGK024, ACHGK025)
- examination of how environments can be used sustainably eg sustainable agricultural, commercial, recreational practices
- discussion of ways waste can be managed sustainably
- examination of how the practices of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples support the sustainable use of environments eg use of resources
Learning Experiences
- observe preserved animals and consider their habitats and adaptations
- engage with the environment through sensory awareness activities, such as treasure hunts, sound mapping and mirror walks
- enjoy a bushwalk, such as the one-way walk down the Honeymoon Track to Reids Flat, Audley
- observe habitats and evidence of animals on a bushwalk
- measure weather conditions
- use natural materials to model habitats, food chains or forest layers using natural materials
- participate in hands-on activities to observe the animals of the study site (activities dependant on site) e.g., invertebrate searches, dipnetting, or birdwatching
- create a map using natural materials
Recommended excursion site