Degree of difficulty
Contact system
- Mobile phone reception is patchy
- An EEC teacher carries a satellite communicator (allows texting and SOS alert via satellite)
- If more than one class, EEC teachers carry two-way radios
Location details
Activities generally start from the car park, following the fire trail and into the rainforest walking track and/or the picnic area. The total distance is approximately 1 km (uneven, sloping, rocky path in places). Some excursions will walk an additional 800m along the lower Wallumarra Track.
Students are in close proximity to water when accessing Bola Creek. Rocks are smooth and slippery. It is recommended that sturdy footwear, wind/rain proof jackets, and warm clothing be worn or carried. Long socks and insect repellant is encouraged due to the prevalence of leeches. During cooler weather this site can get quite cool as it is very shaded.
The greatest potential risks to students are road crossings, tree fall, trips, bites and collision with cyclists. This is an access fire trail to Audley and is used by bushwalkers, joggers and cyclists. The group is very likely to encounter members of the public. Vigilance is required from all participants and supervising teachers need to be aware of where students are at all times.
Once your booking is confirmed, we will email you a draft risk assessment and management plan to use in the preparation of your own plan. This plan details risks on excursion and controls to minimise them on the day.