Royal National Park Environmental Education Centre

Telephone02 9542 1951

Water in the world

Geography - Water in the World

Key syllabus outcomes:

A student:

  • locates and describes the diverse features and characteristics of a range of places and environments GE4-1
  • discusses management of places and environments for their sustainability GE4-5
  • acquires and processes geographical information by selecting and using geographical tools for inquiry GE4-7
  • communicates geographical information using a variety of strategies GE4-8

Key inquiry question:

  • How do natural and human processes influence the distribution and availability of water as a resource?

Inquiry questions:

  • What effect do human and natural features have on the landscape and species living in the Hacking River Catchment area?
  • Is the Hacking River catchment a suitable habitat to sustain a platypus population? 

Learning activities may include:

  • Return bushwalk along Lady Carrington Drive, to Jersey Springs if time permits (5km, easy hike)
  • Sample macroinvertebrates (dipnet) and assess water quality
  • Test water factors (e.g., turbidity, conductivity, dissolved oxygen)
  • Assess habitat (e.g., bank, vegetation, stream flow)
  • Record park uses that impact habitat/water quality
  • Draw a field sketch
  • Listen to a Dreaming Story relating to water

Excursion site:

  • Audley - Willow Tree Flat Picnic Area, Lady Carrington Drive