Geography - Ecosystems at Risk 8.3.1
Key syllabus outcomes:
A student:
- explains the changing nature, spatial patterns and interaction of ecosystems, urban places and economic activity H1
- explains the factors which place ecosystems at risk and the reasons for their protection H2
- evaluates environmental management strategies in terms of ecological sustainability H5
- evaluates the impacts of, and responses of people to, environmental change H6
- justifies geographical methods applicable and useful in the workplace and relevant to a changing world H7
- evaluates geographical information and sources for usefulness, validity and reliability H9
- applies maps, graphs and statistics, photographs and fieldwork to analyse and integrate data in geographical contexts H10
- explains geographical patterns, processes and future trends through appropriate case studies and illustrative examples H12
Learning activities may include:
- Complete a precis map of the study site
- Measure and record spatial dimensions
- Use GPS devices to record features and locations
- Observe and record evidence of physical processes
- Measure and record physical factors and compare to climate data
- Complete a transect of coastal vegetation
- Observe strategies used to manage dune systems and create a model
- Consider local stakeholders, issues and management of the site
Program feedback
"Excellent case study for our Coastal Dunes Ecosystem at Risk- gave them first hand experience and knowledge and added to fieldwork requirement."
Excursion sites:
- Coastal: Cronulla (Wanda and N Cronulla Beach), Bulli Beach
Please contact us to discuss alternative sites/environments for this program