Royal National Park Environmental Education Centre

Telephone02 9542 1951

Before you arrive

Get to know the Royal National Park Environmental Education Centre by exploring our 360 site tour.

A new 360 virtual tour is arriving soon

What should you bring?

Packing for a day at the Royal National Park is a little different to a normal day at school. Suzanne explains what to bring in your backpack.

Video - What to bring (0:47 min)


When you come on your excursion, bring your school bag or a backpack. We will now look at what you should pack inside.

Bring a hat because we will be spending a lot of time outside. Bring a small sunblock or sunscreen and apply it when you arrive and again later in the day.

Pack a good-sized reusable drink bottle. 

Bring all your food packed into a lunch box. Try to pack a low-waste recess and lunch which is better for the environment.

Pack a raincoat in case it starts to rain.

Have your name written on all of your belongings and always put them back in your bag when you’re finished with them.

[End of narration]

What is a low-waste lunchbox?

A low-waste lunchbox means there is no packaging to throw away. Everything in it can be eaten, composted or reused. 

Here are some tasty examples to get you inspired.

What happens to your waste?

We need your help to care for the beautiful Royal National Park. This video explains how to dispose of your lunchbox scraps.

Video - What to do with your waste (01:01 min)


After you’ve finished eating put your scraps into the correct bucket so we can dispose of them responsibly.

The blue bucket is for the worms. We have a big worm farm at our school. Put scraps like banana peel, apple cores or strawberry tops in this bucket for our worms to eat.

The green bucket is for compost. We also have a big compost bay at our school. These are food scraps our worms won’t like, like orange and mandarin peels. Look at the pictures on the front of the bucket or ask your teacher if you’re not sure whether our worms will like it.

The yellow bucket is for recycling. These are items which can be processed and reused like juice boxes without their straws and yoghurt tubs. Again, look at the pictures on the front of the bucket or ask your teacher if you’re not sure whether it can be recycled. 

Our school doesn’t have a regular rubbish bin so put all other waste back into your lunchbox to be thrown away at school or home. 

[End of narration]

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